(Version: Unified Biosciences Information Framework (UBIF) 1.1 and SDD 1.1)
TDWG working group: Structure of Descriptive Data (SDD)
This document gives an overview of the schema components present in a single schema file, similar to the entry view provided by graphical schema editors. It documents only the root level annotations and components (elements, global attributes, simple and complex types, and groups). The definition of the components listed here is documented separately (hyperlinking could not yet be implemented).
Because the UBIF schema is designed as a type library, complex types represent class definitions and most schema files contain only a single root-level element.
Please see the schema documentation resource directory for schema overviews of other files and detailed component documentation.
The following content is generated automatically from the documentation inside the schema file:
Top-level schema to be referenced in instance documents for validation; simplified alternative to SDD110.xsd!
This version contains only UBIF (SDD elements are supported, but not validated). To add further object types, this file has to be changed.
How this was created: SDD110.xsd copied, all SDD elements changed to VersionExtension type, all identity constraints removed.
Copyright © 2006 TDWG (Taxonomic Databases Working Group, www.tdwg.org). See the file SDD_(c).xsd for authorship and licensing information.
Includes: UBIF_CoreExtensions.xsd
(Generated on 23. May 2006 by DiversitySchemaTools Version 0.5. Copyright (c) G. Hagedorn 2006.)